Is There Anybody There?
Paudge’s Story: ATHEISM / GOD

Is there anybody there?

There is so much to see right on our doorstep. Whether it is the rugged beauty of the Cliffs of Moher, the uniqueness of the Giant’s Causeway or the stunning sights of the Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland has a knack of taking your breath away.

These remarkable vistas are like jewels in our nation’s crown. Not only do they bring a stream of visitors but they cause something to stir within our own souls. They are signposts to something else.

The beauty and the artistry of nature—even as we look only at Ireland, never mind gazing upwards to the night-sky and the fantastic images from the James Webb Space Telescope—speak to us of the creator who put it all together. He is the master artist.

They speak of God’s power, wisdom, infiniteness and delight in beauty. Yet these sights are not the jewel in his crown when it comes to creation. That honour belongs to something else altogether—you and me.

Have you ever stopped to consider what an incredible piece of engineering the human body is? The knee, the heart, the eye? Or the processing genius that the brain is?

The more we understand of the universe around us and the universe within us the more we realise that they cannot be a matter of a cosmic accident. They are simply too complex—they are evidence that points us to the designer.

Is there anybody out there? Yes, God the Creator—the Author—of the great story of life, the universe and everything is out there. But he also came here in real time and history in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, to live, die and rise again, so that you could get to know this Artist personally.

Why not follow the signposts of beauty and design, and of history and the Bible to lead you to the God who is not simply out there, but can be known here? Prepare to be amazed as you find out what Jesus Christ does for ordinary people like you and me. It’s not just Ireland that can take your breath away.

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